Wheels and tyres (including the spare wheel and the spare wheel housing)• Up under wheel arches and around mud guards
• The corners of the engine bay, radiator and cooling fan checking for insects and plant matter
• Corners of dashboard area and under seats
Documentation we need to ship your car
So that we can arrange shipment of your car there are a few documents that we will require from you in order that we can complete shipping documentation and so that your vehicle can be shipped in accordance with current UK export customs controls. Please note that we do not require any original documentation, we only need copies.斯洛文尼亚国际物流有限公司在东北、华北、华东、华南、西南、西北和中原地区分别建有物流网络和服务平台。拥有大宗物资、快速消费品、危化品、再生资源等各种运输车辆一千余辆,可为客户提供从仓储到公路运输、铁路运输、水路运输及多式联运门到门服务。